Saturday, 10 May 2014

More Sketchbook Pages 2

Here are just some of the experiments that I have created using this Accordion fold / multiple pathways idea.  I really like some of these ideas that I have created here but my sketchbook is looking a bit jumpy as I have still not choose an I idea and began developing it further.  I feel I really need to start thinking about my PLP and what I am trying to create and what I want my viewers to feel when they look at my book. 


Saturday, 3 May 2014

LA Photos

When I travelled to Los Angeles, my main focus was on the many signs and how sometimes they can create confusion.  when looking back at my photos I came across these three which I felt best describes how I am feeling about my life right now.  These signs got me thinking about how I feel bout my life right now, where I began reflecting on my past decisions, any regrets and my future. 

I feel my next steps for this project is to begin playing around with my photos where I am going to manipulate and fold them to create a more interesting version of this maze idea.  I feel it is also time for me to start experiment with illustration and creating something that visually communicates the story of my life. 

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Large Maze Book Sculptures

Again I have came back to looking at mazes.  I love the concept behind it where there are multiple pathways and a lot of confusion and I think it could be really useful if I try and represent this idea through my book making.   

Mazes normally have a centre its like a goal that we are working towards and from this idea I want to show the many choices and decisions that we all have to make before we reach this goal. 

Here I used an A1 sheet of paper to create this experiment.  I feel this has worked out better than I had expected and the camera has managed to capture this maze effect really well. You begin to see the multiple pathways appearing and I feel this might be something that I take further to develop as a final piece. 

I feel the next steps for this is to go back to my LA photos and begin experimenting with them on a large scale like this.  Also I need to begin drawing and see if I can create something visually interesting that might go on to the pages of this book. 

Here I have began to think more about how i might present my work at my final exhibition.  I need to make sure that I find an effective way that I can show the theme of confusion and when creating these large sculptures I began to photograph them and I thought to myself that my final piece could be a series of photos That in some way shows the confusion of my book effectively, but I do also plan for the book to be on display so that People can view the book in their own way.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Life's Journey

Here I was looking at my life and what I wanted to focus most on was the many different choices and decisions that I have to make everyday.  When researching into our journey I found this photo that visually showed the multiple choices and decisions that we all have.  What I like most about this photo is that it shows our life as being a maze and I really like this idea as mazes are full of dead ends which could possibly represent all the wrong decisions that we sometimes make before we get to where we want. 
Here is a page from my sketch book where I was looking at this life's journey idea.  I already was looking at mazes to represent my life as I wanted to focus on the many different pathways that I can choose from.  I want this piece to communicate how I feel about my life right now, which is confused.  I feel that this piece does do this but there is still plenty of room for development, as I like this multiple paths idea that I have created. 

I feel my next steps for this piece is to experiment with scale looking at creating this piece bigger or even smaller.  I also plan to start using my photos from Los Angeles as I feel this would make the piece more personal and also much more interesting.