Wednesday, 11 April 2012


Recently I have just completed a project where I had to create a poster to attract peoples attention to go to the Hippodrome cinema in Bo'ness. What I decided to do is look at the building itself and the history that the building has been through. I felt that this would encourage the older generation to come back to the building that they might have went to before the building closed down in the 1970's and relive happy memories.

This is what my final poster turned out like.  I made the title "Connecting back in time" as that was the concept that I was trying to get across, bringing the history back to the hippodrome.  In the end I choose the building as my image on the poster as it is such a unique building that it can be recognised by anyone and I made the building fade away to give the sense that the history is being lost and that it needs to be brought back. 

When creating my poster I looked at many different graphic designers and poster designers.  The one designer that stood out at me most was A.M Cassandre and his transport posters.  Cassandre's Posters really helped me as I like his use movement and scale in his posters and it caused it to really stand out and catch peoples attention.