Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Tony Orrico

Here is an amazing artist that I have found.  This is Tony Orrico and he creates  these unusual symmetrical drawings using his hands and body.  The thing that interests me most is how much control he has with both of his hands as he is able to copy each other.  Most of Orricos work is created on a large scale which makes his work more effective. 

These are my attempts in trying to create symmetrical drawings like Tony Orrico.  At first I thought it would be really easy to create but as you can see it was hard and I feel it wasn't really successful.  Also this is just the beginning as I really enjoyed creating these drawing as I feel I could take them further and make more complicated drawings on a bigger scale.    

Friday, 4 May 2012

Transformation Part 2

For my transformation brief I was required to create a 2D piece.  For this I choose to stick with paper cutting as I have enjoyed using creating these pieces

Here I have experimented with a different technique of paper cutting where I have tried to capture the same shapes like in my 3D piece. I feel this piece works really well as when I put it up at the window or in front of a light this is what happens.

When it was hanging up at my window I began to experiment with putting different coloured tissue paper behind it which created this effect in the photo above. What I like most about it is the texture of the tissue paper that the camera has caught.

Later I began to experiment with my camera and began to take photos of my work. This is one of my photos that I took and I really liked as it reminded me of my original photos that I took. The thing that I most like about this photo is how the circles are clearer even though they are out of focus and I also like how they overlap like my photos of the lights. 

One morning when I woke up I saw these shadows across my room and then I saw that it was my 2D piece that was creating these. This then gave me the idea of experimenting with shadows and colours for my final 2D piece as I found this unusual but really interesting to look at. 

Thursday, 3 May 2012


Over the year in my Degree course I have learned many new skills but the one that stood out to me the most is the paper cutting workshop.

When looking at the theme transformation i began experimenting with my camera and taking photos that interested me like the one above. I liked the idea of taking these out of focus pictures of lights and trying to transform them into paper, where I was looking at colour, shape and distance.

This is one of the pieces that I made and what I most like about it is how I have created a sense of distance. This is the start of my 3D piece as I want to scrunch these up and see what unusual pieces that I can create.

After experimenting with scrunching up my 2D pieces I found that using smaller paper cut outs created a more interesting and effective final piece. I also like how each one works really well with the coloured background reflecting the original photos that I took.