Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
HIV Alive & Well Final
this brief I have created a series of illustrations that explore the theme of
HIV, Alive and Well. I explored this
theme by looking into how HIV patients may view their life and the world around
them. I felt this was a really strong concept as it allowed me look into
emotion and colour to find a way to create an uplifting piece that would
attract and communicate messages of hope.
This is to allow people to reflect upon their lives and begin living
their life in a positive manner. My work is illustration based as I see drawing
as one of my strengths, I felt this was perfect for this project as I was able
to give a personal hand drawn piece that would let the patients and staff to
connect to my work more easily.
final pieces are built up in layers. The
first layer is the ribbon which is the support of my drawings and represents
the amount of support that is provided for these people. Each drawing has a quote that sits in the
middle and around these quotes are drawings of the natural world that reflect
the quote. Also hidden in each drawing
are two single eyes, there is one brown eye and one blue this is to represent
that anyone could be infected and helps infected people relate to the piece
Thursday, 31 October 2013
My Creative Future
I have looked into jobs to do with photography but the
skills and experience that you need were out of my league. The skills that were required was mainly
computer based working with different software.
Computers are not really my strong point and I feel I would need to look
into further study before I look at employment.
I have begun looking into further study doing a degree in
photography or illustration where I can develop my skills in one particular
subject. The only problem about this is
the amount of money and time I will need to put into this.
Business start-up – I have never really been keen about
starting my own business as I have always been scared that it might not work
out and I am left with nothing.
Travelling has begun to interest me after talking about in
PDP. I like the idea that if teaching
doesn’t work out for me then I could have the choice teaching English as a
foreign language which will allow me to see different places and learn lots of
new things.
My chosen pathway is teaching but before I reach this goal I
have a lot of work to do as I have got to do my higher English, I plan to sit
my honours degree and complete some work experience all in the same year to
hopefully get the chance to get into a teachers training course.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
HIV Alive & Well
To start this project off I have began to focus on the face as by drawing different faces I will be able to represent these people who have HIV and have given up.
The black & white drawing represents being lifeless, dead and old but buy adding colour we immediately get this burst of life giving people infected hope that their life is not over.
Monday, 9 September 2013
Aids Posters
Posters for aids from the 1980's - 2000's

These are the different posters that I found on aids that have been shown to the public over the last 25 years. When aids were first discovered you can see how there is a lack of support given to these people infected. It is good to see the negativity that people had against aids when they were first discovered as this allows me to understand how much everything has changed and how people understands more about the effects of aids today.

Here people are beginning to understand more about this infection. we now have posters aimed at different age groups informing people the different way in which they can't get infected. Today we also have posters that focus on support. They are trying to convince people to get themselves checked out and get their HIV treated.

Thursday, 5 September 2013
HIV, Alive and Well
My next project that I have been required to complete is a worlds aids day competition. The brief is looking for work that can communicate positively about aids. I feel the work should create a sense of hope and allow patients to reflect upon themselves and see that having aids is not the end.
My initial idea for this project is to focus on colour to represent life. I feel colour is a great way to elect thought, reflection and create hope within a person.
My initial idea for this project is to focus on colour to represent life. I feel colour is a great way to elect thought, reflection and create hope within a person.
Friday, 25 January 2013
mind map of my past, present and future
This is my mind map. As a class we were asked to create a mind map of our past, present and future. This was really helpful as it allowed me to think about where I have came from and where I would like my future to go.
As a class we were asked to pin up our mind maps and discuss about what each of us found out about ourselves. It was clear at this point that everyone in the class were beginning to talk about the same things, so after this we began to make a "network" to connect all the things that everyone has in common. We found out that everyone had a lot more in common than we thought and that many of us were looking at the same future goals.
This was a really helpful exercise as it allowed me to see that there are many different possible futures as allot of us see a future in teaching. Some people are thinking about becoming part-time artists or even travelling.
There were allot of people within the class who were travelling down the contemporary art practice and applied practice pathway, but there were only three of us who were going down the visual communication pathway. This was interesting as each of us in the visual communication block are doing completely different thing.
Another thing that I noticed is that most people are not concentrating on the one pathway and that they are experimenting and developing with other skills. I found this really helpful to know as I now know that people are in the same position as me and by communicating to each other we should be able to help each other.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Constructed Text Part 2
Here I have taken my paper piercing techniques further. I began creating more complicated designs looking at the way I could make 2D design 3D. I feel my final piece was successful as I really like how my work flows and how I have made the letters look as if they are actually bursting.
Again the lighting was really important as when the light shines through each letter you can see the amazing patterns that are created on the wall. This technique is something that I would like to take further and develop.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Constructed Text
Again I have come back to looking at paper piercing
techniques. I really enjoyed when I last done this so I decided to take it
further within this project. I was asked to create a 3D constructed text on a
word. The word I chose was burst and I was asked to create the word but also
what it meant. So the idea that I came up with was that I wanted the piece to
look as if it was bursting into life. As you can see I began creating 2D pieces
creating the words and patterns around the letters to look like the letters
were bursting.
The lighting was really important within these pieces as light hit the wall you could see how the letters began to stretch away as if they were actually bursting. The colour was also important as when the light was reflected on the wall you could see that there was a range of different colours starting off as a bright yellow fading away to a dark orange. I feel this piece was really successful but it could have been taken much further.
These are more of my own photos from a distance to show how the word was bursting into life.
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